
The Suffolk County Police

May 2015
Jack                        President's Message

The feedback from our members on the “Heard it on F-2” electronic bulletins has been overwhelming positive.  I can’t thank Kevin Ryniker enough for his efforts on this project.  Our e-delivery rate is averaging 70% while the national average is about 26%.  Between this effort, the Retirees Blog hosted by Mark Hawthorne, and the newsletter prepared by Editor Eileen Callaghan, we are meeting the goal of communicating with our retirees.  Eileen is the primary hub for information for all these programs.  She can be reached at

 The annual S.C.P.D. Alumni Picnic in Titusville, Florida, was very enjoyable with in excess of 100 signed up guests.  This year the event was catered to allow all our members to enjoy the event.  The Alumni provided a hospitality room at a nearby hotel for those who opted to stay overnight.  The Alumni Board apologizes for the short supply of beverages and snacks in the hospitality room on Saturday evening due to a miss-communications issue.

 I am pleased to report that due to our fundraising events and the generosity of our members, the Jack and Isabelle Barry Scholarship fund was able to award ten scholarships at $1000.00 each.  We are on track for the same amount for 2016!  The Alumni now issues three named scholarships in memory of Jack Barry, Isabelle Barry and John Biscardi.  This year the Alumni added one in honor of Jim Woods for his untiring efforts on behalf of the S.C.P.D. Alumni.

 The Alumni has again provided support for the Police Memorial Reception hosted by the Suffolk County Police Retired Detectives.  We are also joining the other line organizations in providing a donation to help defray the costs of Family Day, May 9th, 2015, at Police headquarters.

There are several openings for Board Members which we need to fill to keep the association viable.  These Board Members formulate and approve policy and procedures.  Board communications is done electronically so residence is not an issue.  I really would like to see some members who are still residing on the Island to step up.

We are still looking for someone to host a reunion in September or October of 2015 or 2016.  Please contact Vice President Ron Aimes for more details.

 The PBA has announced that it has an updated website with a “Members Only Page”.  If you have trouble or need to get registered, you can apply by going to, or contact the PBA office.  Speaking of the our PBA, I did inquire about our

participation in the PBA annual picnic.  I was advised that the picnic was suspended several years back as attendance dwindled.  That event has been replaced with a “Splish-Splash Day” whose attendance has been high.

 I also heard some negative scuttlebutt regarding a few of our member’s comments about our PBA.  Those comments eluded to the fact that the PBA seemed to abandon members once they retire.  To those members I say Balderdash!  I can confirm that the PBA has supported the S.C.P.D. Alumni Association since its inception.  In my tenure, the Alumni has never been denied any request we made of our PBA.  Let’s not forget that the PBA’s primary mission is representing its active members as a labor union, as they do so well, including when we were active members.

Recently we had to reject approximately four scholarship applications for non-active members.  I want to clarify with our members the fact that all S.C.P.D. retirees are members.  However, in order to be eligible for any benefits, including 20/30 club, 20/20 club, scholarships, newsletter and death benefit, you need to be a current dues paying member for three consecutive years.  If you have a question about your dues, you can contact Ron Aimes at

Best Regards  Jack Scott, President- 352-345-1778 




Hi Everyone.

I hope everyone is well and getting ready for the Summer.  My wife and I will be spending most of the  Summer on Long Island.  I hope to attend some of the functions and see a lot of you.

The Alumni held the annual 10-28 picnic this past year in Titusville, Florida.  Approximately one hundred members attended.  The Alumni Board and myself want to thank Ray Russell, Don Quintus, Robert Eggers, their wives, and all the others who organized and ran the picnic.  The big difference this year was that the food was catered by Sonny’s Restaurant, allowing the members that were running the picnic to enjoy the picnic a little more.  I would appreciate any suggestions that would enhance the picnic.

So far this year the number of members that paid their 2015 dues is less than last year.  I was hoping that the new dues invoice and all the communications reference dues would increase the number of paying members.  For the members that paid their 2014 dues but haven’t paid 2015 dues, you will lose your eligibly for the death benefit, the scholarship drawing, and the newsletter.  If you have any questions reference your membership, please call me or send me an e-mail at

The board members and the membership want to thank all those members that made donations to the Alumni Scholarship Fund.  Your donations enabled the Fund to increase the number of scholarships to ten and increase the amount of the scholarship to one thousand dollars.

Reference members that haven’t received the weekly E-Mail “F-2 SCPD Alumni Notifications” with current events.  That is because I don’t have an e-mail address or an incorrect e-mail address for you.  Please send an e-mail to me at with your address and name.

Snow birds, please let me know when to change your address because the newsletter is mailed by bulk mail and it is not forwarded.  It costs a lot of money to mail by first class and to have additional newsletters printed.

The Alumni Board is still looking for a member or members to organize and run an Alumni Annual Reunion with the  assistance of the Alumni Board.

In closing, I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Summer.  Most importantly, keep beating the system by getting those checks.

Fraternally Yours
Ron Aimes  Vice President/Membership

Snow Birds

Please notify Ronnie Aimes of address change by e-mail

Or call him at 352-688-8363.

If you don’t, you will not get the next newsletter.



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